First Hour Response Drills
Regular training and drills are integral to keeping a consistent level of preparedness across your team however it can be difficult to regularly budget time and resources for major crisis simulations.
As an alternative, we offer an annual package of three First Hour Response Drills to supplement your annual major exercise. These are quick drills that run for 1.5 hours each and focus on different stages of best-practice crisis response.
Each First Hour Response Drill includes:
1.5 hour drill for < 15 Participants delivered onsite (including injects, discussion points & reflection)
Customised exercise design & planning
Customised exercise development and scenario materials​
Depending on the performance of your team, each Drill will cover between two to four of the following early response stages (any stage not covered in the first Drill will be a priority for the second Drill):
Assess the Incident Severity
Activate & Mobilise the Crisis Team
Establish Situation & Set Up Facts Board
Develop an Incident Action Plan
Example of an annual plan:
• January: First Hour Response Drill 1 (Response Stages 1-2)
• April: First Hour Response Drill 2 (Response Stages 3-4)
• July: Major Exercise (see Crisis Simulation Exercises)
• October: First Hour Response Drill 3 (Response Stages 1-4)