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  • Writer's pictureCrisis Shield

Cyber Exercising is Critical – No Matter Where You Are in the World!

With the massive influx of cybersecurity incidents in the past few months, most of us are drowning in cyber blogs, webinars, seminars, white papers etc.

Which is, of course, all valuable information.

But looking at this vast sea of content begs the question: where do I even start?

Well, we have a solution. While I’ve no doubt you’re already doing some great things in the cybersecurity space – have you prepared your executive team?

There are a lot of terrific IT providers who can shore up your business for a cyber-attack, but most forget the other tier – preparing your executive team.

Cyber is emerging as the most significant threat to businesses today and it isn’t going away.

There is no better way to discover what you do know (and more importantly don’t know) than running a simulation:

Testing your IT and executive teams in a safe and controlled test environment is far easier than testing them in a real event. If you make sure you are well prepared and ready, that’s a great boon and will help you sleep at night.

So far, our realistic cyber simulations have been a real eye opener for clients. The consistent response in the hot debrief is – ‘thank goodness that was only a test and not the real thing!’

We offer a complimentary online meeting to discuss your current position and offer advice on next steps.

Contact us for a quick chat to establish the readiness of your executive team on or call me (Allan) on +614 17 160 120.


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